

What do you think of these solution?


What is the MEANING of these beads?

Most people are aware that beads are supposed to have certain "powers" when you adorn yourself with them.  What might those be?  Here is a short list to give you an idea:

Amethyst: Healing, sobriety and peace.
Apatite: Balance, focus and self-acceptance.
Aventurine: Hope, luck and opportunity.
Carnelian: Energy, creativity and sexual fire.
Copper: Eases emotional turbulence and irritability.
Crazy Lace Agate: Laughter (Crazy Blue, Crazy Pink).
Hematite: Mind enhancement, calm and balance.
Jasper: Protection, nurturing and stability.
Labradorite: Clarity and spiritual awakening.
Onyx: Self-mastery and self-control.
Pearls: Wisdom, purity and femininity.
Pietersite: Vision, internal and external.
Silver: Mirror of the soul and cleansing.

Here are two more websites with good information: and

I don't know about you, but it looks like I should start wearing a mixture of most of these beads! :)

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