Lola Brookstakes an unconventional look
at the conventional subjects of Love and Romance.
Her work is certainly not conventional in size -
in fact it’s much larger than one would expect.
It’s not conventional in choice of materials -
she takes humble steel then mixes it with gold,
diamonds and various other gemstones.
It’s not conventional in attitude -
her work makes droll tongue-in-cheek references
to clichés about love and sentimentality.
In fact, everywhere one looks one can see
roses attached to hearts, and bows attached to hearts,
and hearts attached to hearts.
Why this ardent interest in all things related to romance?
There is a good deal of thought behind this work and
it’s interesting to get the 'why' of the work
while also enjoying the beauty of it.
For instance, here’s an excerpt from an
. . . The past few bodies of work have all spawnedfrom my fascination with clichéand my general weariness of ironyand the perpetual abstraction of everything.I suppose I am a traditionalist in many ways,seeing no reason to invent something brand newwhen there is all of this incredible depth and richnessto be rediscovered in all of these tired old tropesof love, loss, beauty, perfection, femininity, sentimentalityor in the‘jewel’ or a certain type of technical virtuosityfor that matter. And this is certainly not to say that I ammerely interested in re-presenting these things as theyhave always been understood, either. I sincerely believe thereare profound things to be investigated and reconfigured inthese exact territories. And so bows, hearts, knots and rosesamong other things are all fair game . . . .
There's a great opportunity to see
all this unconventional jewelry;
all this unconventional jewelry;
Lola Brook’s work is currently on view at
The Metal Museum until February 17, 2013.
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